Our job is to give medical backup to your staff and managers. We can help you implement a program for managing sickness absence providing both support for sick employees and a well-defined management plan for dealing with unjustified absences.

We can help you appoint the right person for the job at the pre-employment stage by advising you or assessing applicants. In addition we can give you day to day telephone support on particular health problems relating to work. Our services are flexible and able to accommodate both large and small companies. We can see your staff either on-site or at our own premises.

The largest potential saving in labour intensive industries exists within the field of employee health. The real cost of work related ill health and accidents is more than five percent of Britain’s gross trading profit. It’s easy to measure the cost of staff absence simply in terms of overtime expenses, but the disruption to a company through re-scheduling, production delays, and late responses to customers will often be a much more substantial loss.

Take care of your most valuable asset – they’ll thank you for it!


A Healthy Start

Each business has its own stresses – aspects of the work environment which can lead to physical or psychological ill health. You need to know that your prospective employees are well enough to cope with whatever is reasonably expected of them. You must know too, that you won’t harm people with health problems by the job you give them.

We can evaluate the health of your applicants before appointment by questionnaire, nurse assessment or doctor’s examination.- aspects of the work environment which can lead to physical or psychological ill health.


Staying Legal

No business should unfairly discriminate against people with health problems and part of our job is to guide employers on the application of the disability legislation and the Equality Act in employment.

We can complete your night worker assessments under the Working Time Regulations and can undertake statutory surveillance for people working with known hazards.